



一支我很喜欢的乐队---My Chemical Romance

林佩乐 发表于 2010-6-7 23:32:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


特别喜欢<<it's not a fashion statement deathwish>>,压力大的各位不妨去听一下~

For what you did to me,
And what I'll do to you,
You get, what everyone else gets,
You get a lifetime!

Let's go!
Do you remember back then when we met,
You told me this gets harder,
Well it did!
Been holding on forever,
Promise me that when Im gone,you'll kill my enemies.
The damage you've inflicten,temporary wounds,

I will avenge my ghost with every breath i take
im coming back from the dead,
and I'll take you home with me,
im taking back the life you stole

this grave you put me in,
wasnt deep enough,
and im climbing out right now.
you're running out of places to hide from me.
when you go,
just know that i will remember you.
if living was the hardest part ,
we'll then one day, be together.

and in the end we'll fall apart,
just as the leaves change in color,
and then i will be with you,
i will be there one last time now.

when you go,
just know that i will remeber you!
i've lost my fear of falling...i will be with you,
i will be with you!


banana 发表于 2010-6-7 23:32:45 | 显示全部楼层
《Three cheers for sweet revenge》里的一首歌~总的来说还算不错~

懒懒 发表于 2010-6-7 23:32:46 | 显示全部楼层
听他们的歌,我感动 震撼 激动...

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